Key word Beginning

In The Beginning. (Nelson 750 words)

In the beginning there was light. A bright white light that stretched to the four corners of the new universe.

“What are you writing, dear?”

He turned slightly. His wife was leaning over his shoulder looking at the computer screen. “I’m writing a new religious book. Something for everyone in this day and age.”

She patted his shoulder. “A new Bible. That’s just what we need.”

“No, no,no. I’m not calling it a bible.” He began typing: The bright light was everywhere.

She tapped his shoulder. “Why the bright white light? Look at our wall. I had those harsh white bulbs and they were horrible. I changed them to the soft yellow bulbs.”

He looked at the wall for ten seconds. He began backspacing and deleting.

In the beginning there was subdued light, a soft yellow light that spread its light and warmth across the new universe. Soft clouds floated by creating a cozy home for life.

She nodded her head. “Now that’s nice. A new beginning. If you don’t call it a bible, what are you going to call your new religious book?”

He leaned away from the computer. “Not a Koran, or a Torah or The Book of Mormon. I’m still thinking.”

“What about life? When is that going to appear?” She rubbed his shoulder. “I mean Adam and Eve. When are they appearing?”

He put his hands on the keyboard. “No Adam or Eve. Something or somebody new. The universe is new and it needs new inhabitants.”

He started typing: There was a bolt of green lightning heading toward the center of the universe. It was emitting smaller bolts of various colors, all heading toward the center of the universe. There was a tremendous explosion. The center of the universe went dark. The soft yellow light scattered to the four distant corners.

“What’s happening?” His wife leaned closer to the screen.

He kept on typing: A pinpoint of pulsating light appeared in the center of the new universe. The light came closer and grew in size. A minute went by in the newly born universe.

“It’s a person, a human. But only one. You need an Adam and Eve.” She pointed at the figure. “What is it?”

He shook his head and kept typing: They came closer and smiled at the new beginning.

He leaned back, folded his arms across his chest. He smiled at his wife. “They are the new beginning.”

“What are you talking about? There’s only one person and you don’t say whether it is male or female.”

He turned slightly around to look at his wife. “Those two are the new beginning.”

His wife stared at him for five seconds. “Oh my God. The new Adam and Eve is a Trangender.” She playfully slapped her husband on his back. “Who is she? Oops, I meant Who are they?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, yet. I want their names to stretch from A to Z, not just A to E like Adam and Eve. I want them to go from Alpha to Omega.”

He stretched his hands over the keys. “I want something different. Not Ann to Zeke.”

She rubbed her hands together. “I’m getting into this religious writing. Next we can have the Gospel According to Thelma and Louise or the Song of Laverne and Shirley.”

He removed his hands from the keyboard. “I don’t think so. No gospels, songs or proverbs. Help me out here. Give me some names from A to Z.”

She thought for five seconds. “How about Arabella and Zacariah. Different and old.”

He nodded. “I like it. They have a nice religious ring.” He started typing: Arabella and Zacariah walked away from the center of the new universe scattering small lightning bolts of life around the universe.

His wife stood and started away. “I like it but I have laundry to do. Keep on writing.”

He nodded and stared at the screen.

Later that morning, she yelled toward his den. “Lunch in ten minutes.”

He came out to the kitchen where she was making sandwiches. “I had an attack of writer’s block. I haven”t written a word since you left.”

She kept spreading mustard on rye bread. “Some writers say they write an ending and then write to make the ending true.”

He suddenly smiled at her and went back to his computer. He began typing.

Arabella and Zacariah raised their right hand. At the End of the Beginning there was Peace.

750 words. Nelson 2/25/23

Nelson10464 Azalea Rd
March 2023

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